We're dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Whether you're interested in our products, have questions about your order, or need technical support, our team is here to assist you. Contacting us is easy, and we value every interaction with our customers.
Sales enquiries
For sales enquiries please call or email one of our sales team.
UK and Europe: +44 20 7043 6306
US: +1 844 269 0437
Email: sales@bluemaestro.com
General and support enquiries
For non-sales and support enquiries please use the contact form below or email support@bluemaestro.com
US Office
7412 Iron Valley Trail,
Montgomery, Texas 77316
United States
Tel +1 844 269 0437
UK & European Office
37 Ludgate Hill
London EC4M 7JN
United Kingdom
Tel +44 20 7043 6306
Address for returns
Please send all returns to the address specified in your RMA (Return of Merchandise Authorization). Returns without prior authorization may delay the processing of your return or refund.